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  1. This effort examined the possible impact and implications of DCI on Bulgaria's military strategy and modernization plans.

[ noun ]
the head of the United States Intelligence Community and director of the Central Intelligence Agency

  1. The company, which prefers to be known as DCI, has spotted a business opportunity in correcting, for private and commercial subscribers, deliberate distortions in the Global Positioning System.
  2. DCI publishes 17 magazines and about 50 special, one-time titles, and has annual revenue of about $600 million.
  3. In 1983, DCI (Director of Central Intelligence) Casey asked Secretary of Defense Weinberger if the Department of Defense could obtain infantry weapons that Israel had confiscated from PLO forces.
  4. Plans for a syndicated TV show based on Memories are unaffected, DCI executives said. The first installment of the half-hour news-nostalgia show is scheduled to air Sept. 15 on NBC.
  5. Peter Diamandis, president of DCI and founder of Memories, said the magazine will publish two special issues each year and that the magazine could be brought back to life "should the advertising climate improve."
  6. The police and the DCI kept telling me to stay on the line," she said.
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