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 CN 添加此单词到默认生词本
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  1. You can see the CN Tower in Toronto.
  2. The tallest building is the CN Tower.
  3. Most gammers love the zhanshen. com. cn game!

Cyanogen \Cy*an"o*gen\ (s?-?n"?-j?n), n. [Gr. ky`anos a dark
blue substance + -gen: cf. F. cyanog[`e]ne. So called because
it produced blue dyes.] (Chem.)
A colorless, inflammable, poisonous gas, {C2N2}, with a
peach-blossom odor, so called from its tendency to form blue
compounds; obtained by heating ammonium oxalate, mercuric
cyanide, etc. It is obtained in combination, forming an
alkaline cyanide when nitrogen or a nitrogenous compound is
strongly ignited with carbon and soda or potash. It conducts
itself like a member of the halogen group of elements, and
shows a tendency to form complex compounds. The name is also
applied to the univalent radical, {CN} (the half molecule of
cyanogen proper), which was one of the first compound
radicals recognized.

Note: Cyanogen is found in the commercial substances,
potassium cyanide, or prussiate of potash, yellow
prussiate of potash, Prussian blue, Turnbull's blue,
prussic acid, etc.

  1. She said that the ministry may also consider filing charges against CN Tower Ltd., which is owned by the Canadian government, and Otis Canada Inc., a unit of United Technologies Corp. of Hartford, Conn.
  2. The goal is for railways to focus on profitable, long-distance routes while trucks act as short-haul feeders. CN and CP are banking heavily on their 'piggy-back' trains, which carry trailers equipped with both truck tyres and train wheels.
  3. SkyDome sits like a mammoth pillbox next to downtown office buildings and the spindly CN Tower.
  4. 'We have to face today's economic realities and ensure that over the long term CN becomes a competitive and efficient operation.'
  5. Sort of like being out on the battlefield." There are other wars to come: Furman plans this June to pogostick up the 1,760 stairs of the CN Tower in Toronto.
  6. Sunday's meeting between police and the Indians was held in a grassy field near the blocked CN Rail line.
  7. Details of the agreement to end the blockade of the CN Rail line were not immediately available.
  8. CN Hotels operates the eighth hotel, L'Hotel in Toronto, under a management contract.
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