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 CNC 添加此单词到默认生词本
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  1. Gears are generated on very accurate CNC machines.
  2. Strong maintenance skill for CNC and manual equipment.
  3. Design fixtures, repair fixtures and settle tools on CNC.

  1. As part of the agreement, Child World will assume $60 million of long-term subordinated debt that CNC owes to First Executive Corp., a Los Angeles insurance holding company.
  2. Generally, these farmers are using their land for cattle grazing, often without pulling up the coffee plants. The CNC is using the study to back its request for government assistance for the coffee sector.
  3. That is still a long way behind the Japanese at more than 80 per cent, but compares quite well with 45 per cent for the old West Germany. The commitment to expand the application of CNC is continuing despite the recession.
  4. CNC also operates chains of optical departments and stores, specialty shops, and key-making installations.
  5. In the last decade, more than 24 hours would be necessary for a tool change of such complexity. Adwest has just commissioned a novel machine for producing variable-ratio steering racks using a CNC lathe.
  6. CNC Holding, after several months of talks, plans to sell its stake to Child World's banks and Avon Investors Limited Partnership.
  7. CNC Holding is a private investment group in Cleveland.
  8. 'We are looking for a big CNC shearing machine,' he says.
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