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 CNA 添加此单词到默认生词本
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  1. Hijacking by any other menas is by any ways except violence and coercion that make people cna not resist.

  1. So, if the FSLIC wins a pending $5 million negligence suit against former directors and officers of Home Savings, the agency will be able to collect from CNA.
  2. The CNA said the high cost of hiring replacements was applying great pressure on the hospitals to settle quickly.
  3. Cigna and CNA Financial posted double-digit first-quarter earnings jumps.
  4. CNA plans to finance the acquisition either with long-term debt, or some combination of debt and equity. The immediate task is to wring as many cost savings possible out of the merger.
  5. The deal is regarded as a much bigger gamble than CNA's purchase of Continental, because Home has some of the largest exposures to environmental losses.
  6. CNA Income Shares Inc. -- $30 million of convertible extendible notes, via Drexel Burnham.
  7. Although CNA Financial Corp. says it will consider assuming such coverage "subject to standard underwriting guidelines," Florida is facing a dire plight.
  8. The notes will be convertible into CNA common stock at $12.25 a share before maturity, the company said, subject to redemption or repayment.
  9. The National Association of Independent Insurers and CNA Insurance Cos., a subsidiary of Loews Corp. which filed the suit along with the association, say that the change will raise insurers' administrative costs.
  10. Manville Corp. said it reached out-of-court settlements with two units of CNA Financial Corp., thus settling with all 29 insurers it had sued over losses from asbestos-related property damage claims.
  11. Proceeds will be used for investment purposes, CNA said.
  12. A state judge here ruled that a CNA Financial Corp. unit may be liable for as much as $70 million if damages are awarded because of the alleged wrongdoing of directors and officers of a failed Bethesda, Md., savings and loan association.
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