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 Andrea ['ændriə]   添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. The former deputy fuhrer's son and daughter-in-law, Wolf-Ruediger and Andrea Hess, were allowed to visit the grave.
    2. "Commodities markets are world markets and have been for centuries," said Andrea Corcoran, the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission's director of trading and markets.
    3. Andrea Stine, a spokeswoman for both the parent company and the U.S. subsidiary, said she did not know how widely the drug was used in the United States.
    4. (Andrea Hart as Anna exemplifies all these factors.) But I should love also to see a Goldoni festival.
    5. In Santa Barbara, the body Andrea Gurka, 37, was found this morning in a creek bed behind her home in the area where the fire began, said county fire spokesman Charlie Johnson.
    6. He chose three actors to depict Carlo at different ages: young Emmanuele Lamaro, the rising star Andrea Occhipinto as Carlo from 20 to 40, and Vittorio Gassman thereafter.
    7. A year later, a jury deadlocked 8-4 against Davis in a wrongful death and personal injury suit filed by Mrs. Davis and her second husband, Jack Wilborn, the father of Andrea.
    8. Andrea, I think we both have a responsibility to try to address the issues.
    9. "You can't work with women and not work with eating problems, body image," said Andrea Gitter, a therapist at the Women's Therapy Center Institute in New York City who specializes in eating problems.
    10. Like Claudio, in the Sant' Andrea cantina, who fills your five-litre damigiano from a cask for Pounds 3 as you sample his several varieties of wine.
    11. Laura D'Andrea Tyson, Berkeley Roundtable on International Economy.
    12. Fanfare piles on fanfare, the soprano soloist Andrea Guiot threads her way through the tapestry, there is still room for the organ (Gaston Litaize) to top it all.
    13. The body of Andrea Gurka, 37, was found Friday in a creek bed behind her home in the San Marcos Pass area where the fire started. Because the fire was arson-caused, her death is considered a homicide.
    14. WITH a father called Karl and a daughter by the name of Andrea, Mr Oswald Zuegg - until 1918 Austrian by nationality - hardly fits the bill as Italy's biggest maker of jams and fruit juices.
    15. It's not so bad." In his reply, Schwarzkopf told Andrea her letter "was beautiful and it truly touched my heart.
    16. The study, conducted by Drs. Scott M. Grundy and Andrea Bonanome, found that stearic acid, one of the main components of saturated fat in the diet, appears to lower the body's cholesterol levels.
    17. Resolution Trust spokeswoman Andrea Plater said nobody should have been surprised.
    18. Andrea Cowan told detectives she has performed at least six exorcisms in which she prayed demons away.
    19. The freight train was carrying "everything from sand to syrup," including carbolic acid in one car, but none of the cargo spilled, said Andrea Just, a CSX Transportation spokeswoman in Baltimore.
    20. Police chief Frank Riemer said Andrea had a letter to Santa Claus in her pocket.
    21. "We like to get out there and talk to our readers," said Andrea Kaplan, the magazine's director of corporate communications. "We think this is a very interactive, visual way to give information to women.
    22. Andrea Martin, who runs her own public-relations firm but also works for Mr. Crandall part time as an "associate," describes the new employer-employee relationship as "less of a marriage and more of a liaison."
    23. "Young Italians would rather steal than do kitchen work," says the restaurant's owner, Andrea Ferrari-Nasi.
    24. There is nothing strange that we have noticed, not even simple anemia," said Dr. Andrea Galvagno, one of two Italian researchers in Houston who have monitored her health.
    25. The news agency quoted a navy source as saying "a spill is practically impossible." Andrea Figari, the Antarctic expert in Buenos Aires for the environmental organization Greenpeace, said Wednesday: "We need time to confirm whether any oil spilled.
    26. Andrea Lynn Merritts-West of New Smyrna Beach, Fla., told the subcommittee that within a week after enrolling in the travel school, she received a filled-in form that _ she learned months later _ was an application for a guaranteed student loan.
    27. The most promising young singers were Andrea Rost (Gilda in the Muti Rigoletto at La Scala), Rene Pape (Fasolt at Bayreuth) and Gwynne Geyer, the American soprano who has been singing Marenka and Mim in Geneva over the past six weeks.
    28. But Andrea Kaplan, spokeswoman for the Working Woman-McCall's Group magazines, said none of the company's three publications, including Working Mother, will be running the ads.
    29. Andrea is a maker of intercommunications systems for military and commercial aircraft.
    30. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Thursday unanimously rejected a libel suit filed against the magazine by the activist, Andrea Dworkin.
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