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 Andrews   添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. Mr Andrews is a Scot, he belongs to Glasgow.
  2. Frank beat andrew with close score.

[ noun ]
United States naturalist who contributed to paleontology and geology (1884-1960)

  1. The state Board of Pardons today rejected a plea for clemency from convicted "Hi-Fi" murderer William Andrews, scheduled to die by injection early Tuesday after nearly 15 years on death row.
  2. Michael Andrews, D-Texas, and Robert Mrazek, D-N.Y., now moves to the House floor after passing the committee by a 27-11 vote.
  3. He said, "If you ask Jack Nicklaus the best round of golf he ever had on the easiest golf course, and he told you it was 60, but yesterday he shot an 82 on St. Andrews, would you say he lost 22 strokes off his game?"
  4. Chicago attorney Lori B. Andrews, a specialist in reproductive technology law, said she knows of no in-vitro fertilization clinic that will take a single woman as a patient.
  5. Management changes last summer, including Mr. Andrews reassuming the chief executive post at World Airways at the board's request, contributed to the performance, he said.
  6. Security police at Andrews Air Force Base on Saturday were still looking for a stick of dynamite unknowingly driven off into the Maryland countryside during an anti-explosives training exercise.
  7. About 260 students were evacuated from Andrews Hall on Sunday after police received an anonymous tip alleging explosives were in Borchelt's third-floor room, Coker said.
  8. Also Tuesday, the Rev. James E. Andrews was narrowly elected to a second four-year term as stated clerk of the General Assembly.
  9. Carol Burnett says it was a "hoot" to return to the theater of her childhood for her third special musical appearance with Julie Andrews.
  10. "There is no failure here." If the character of Jimmy Andrews isn't provocation enough, jocks may want to form an anti-defamation league after reading John L'Heureux's "An Honorable Profession" (Viking, 403 pages, $19.95).
  11. St. Andrews Church in Essex, England, depicts a Ford Fiesta in a new stained-glass window, marking ties to a nearby Ford plant.
  12. Republican gubernatorial candidate John Andrews has acknowledged that he spent two years working for an organization that performed experiments designed to scientifically prove the power of prayer.
  13. Pickens confessed to setting the fire after saying it started accidentally, according to Police Superintendent Allen Andrews.
  14. Budget negotiators will resume their deliberations in private Friday at Andrews Air Force Base in suburban Washington, staying closeted there until Sunday in the hope of forging an agreement, said White House press secretary Marlin Fitzwater.
  15. Steve Andrews, an attorney for Mr. Dahl, confirmed that his client and the FDIC have reached an agreement, which he called "good news" for Mr. Dahl.
  16. Mr Tony Gooda, the former chairman of the members' agency, had told others in early 1989 that Mr Andrews was predicting the syndicate would break even or make a small profit.
  17. Mr. Dart brought a Los Angeles attorney, James R. Andrews, whom he had hired to investigate Century Mineral's dealings.
  18. Democrats said the Andrews talks failed because of Bush's demand to cut the capital gains tax rate.
  19. And what a treat it is to again hear vocalist Ernie Andrews, whose style is as timeless as the songs he sings.
  20. John Andrews, family support coordinator for the Kansas National Guard, said he receives many questions about benefits and insurance.
  21. Mr. Andrews ate rancid mutton fat and drank mare's milk in the Gobi with the best and worst of them.
  22. But he tells me that St Andrews's consistent success conceals radical changes in the pattern of graduate recruitment. One of them is that short-term contracts, often of only a year, are fast replacing the open-ended employment that used to be the rule.
  23. Edwin J. Andrews, dean of the veterinary school, said the university discovered that the flock included inoculated sheep on May 24 after another researcher asked if the animals had been used in other experiments.
  24. At the recent General Assembly meeting here, Stated Clerk James E. Andrews, the denomination's chief executive, indicated the effort is starting to pay off.
  25. The cloak of secrecy the participants have sought has been pierced so badly that the unlisted phone number of the Republican staff's fax machine at Andrews had to be changed last week because it was being flooded by messages from lobbyists.
  26. Johnson did not threaten police officers, said Andrews.
  27. The dependents are headed for Andrews Air Force Base in Washington.
  28. Democrats _ Andrews, Y; Brooks, Y; Bryant, X; Bustamante, Y; Chapman, Y; Coleman, Y; de la Garza, Y; Frost, Y; Geren, Y; Gonzalez, Y; Hall, Y; Laughlin, Y; Leath, Y; Ortiz, Y; Pickle, Y; Sarpalius, Y; Stenholm, Y; Wilson, Y.
  29. Jim Andrews, editorial director of Special Events Report, which tracks corporate sponsorships, estimates that Mr. Daly may be able to fetch $100,000 "right now."
  30. Mark Andrews, lending director of Granville Trust, the private banking subsidiary, has been appointed a director of GRANVILLE HOLDINGS.
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