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 Andrew ['ændru:]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 安德鲁

  1. The Probation Officer got Andrew a job in the paper-mills and arranged board and lodging for him in the Working Boys’ hostel.
  2. Andrew wants to study medicine in India, but he hasn't raised the necessary money yet.I'm, sure he will. Where there's a will there's a way.

[ noun ]
(New Testament) disciple of Jesus; brother of Peter; patron saint of Scotland

Andrew \Andrew\ n.
1. 1 one of the twelve apostles of Jesus; brother of Peter;
patron saint of Scotland.

Syn: Saint Andrew, St. Andrew, Saint Andrew the Apostle.
[WordNet 1.5]

  1. 'We are not going away until that number is achieved,' says Mr Andrew Procassini, president of the Semiconductor Industry Association, the US industry trade group.
  2. EC finance ministers last night supported legislation aimed at preventing banks overstretching themselves with large loans to single clients, writes Andrew Hill.
  3. At Wimbledon last year, Andrew Foster, Chris Wilkinson and Chris Bailey all performed to their full potential. The next generation will be better prepared.
  4. "My biggest shareholders don't know who I am, let alone care whether we build a new mill in Alabama," complains Andrew Sigler, the chief executive officer of Champion International Corp.
  5. "I've absolutely given up hope that the company itself will improve its margins significantly without some stimulus from the outside," said Andrew Wallach, an analyst with PaineWebber.
  6. "The history of it is that men have exercised traditional control over the activities of women, and I'm not going to ignore that, no matter how much flak I get from women's lib," U.S. District Judge A. Andrew Hauk said Tuesday.
  7. "Andrew Dice Clay did not do this in rehearsal and we were very surprised by it.
  8. Or as Andrew Bell, economist at BZW puts it: 'The bears ought to be dipping their paws in the honey rather than swatting at bees'. Having said that, though, corporate news over the week has been somewhat gloomy.
  9. "Distillate stocks should be building right now, but indications from API is they haven't been and heating-oil prices are reflecting that," said Andrew Lebow, oil analyst for Shearson Lehman Brothers Inc., New York.
  10. Residents blasted Mayor Andrew Young at an April community meeting, saying the mayor, a longtime civil rights leader, and his administration had no concern for the city's poor.
  11. B.J. Isaacson-Jones of Reproductive Health Services and Andrew Puzder, a longtime leader in Missouri's anti-abortion movement, have discussed over the past eight months letting an anti-abortion counselor work at the clinic.
  12. Mr Andrew Teare, chief executive of English China Clays, goes further: 'What happened this week heightened the attraction of investing overseas.' It might be argued that managers are not always at their best when wrestling with macro-economic concepts.
  13. "A lot of people who were medium-term bears against the dollar are beginning to take profits as the dollar rises," said Andrew Smith, vice chairman and chief investment officer of London & Bishopsgate International, a money management firm.
  14. Boris Becker was still in it on Sunday night, but had struggled through a five-setter with Tim Wilkinson and a four-setter with Andrew Castle of Great Britain, who stood 180th in the computer rankings.
  15. Fineran said Andrew had managed somehow to push Michael out of the water and onto the ice before sliding back in again.
  16. Prince Andrew came home Wednesday following a six-month tour of duty on a Royal Navy destroyer that rescued a boatload of Vietnamese refugees, his commanding officer said.
  17. Andrew took time off from his job as flight commander of the Royal Navy frigate Cambletown to make the move.
  18. But Andrew Sarlos, chairman of Toronto investment counselors Sarlos & Associates Ltd., said Nova disclosed its possible offer at a private meeting Wednesday with holders of more than 20 million Polysar shares.
  19. "Now we'll sit tight and see the lay of the land as far as our business growth goes," said Andrew.
  20. "I don't think it's a major takeover target," said Andrew Geller, transportation analyst for Provident National Bank in Philadelphia.
  21. The Carnegie Hero Fund Commission now has honored 37 people thus far this year and 7,218 people since it was founded in 1904 by industrialist Andrew Carnegie to recognize heroism in the United States and Canada.
  22. Edward has worked several years for a theater company run by British composer Andrew Lloyd Webber.
  23. It is assumed that 15 partners participate in the Sipp, each contributing Pounds 20,000 per annum. Andrew Warwick-Thompson is head of the partnership pensions section at consulting actuaries Bacon & Woodrow.
  24. And "Richard III," graced by the flamboyantly devilish performance of Andrew Jarvis in the title role, works quite well with its business-suited politicians and bravura press-conference ending.
  25. Andrew Campbell, 15, was found with frost-bitten hands and toes in an oak grove of Cleveland National Forest by a father and son out for a drive.
  26. Andrew L. Berger, president of L.F. Rothschild, said "the firm doesn't anticipate any significant exposure arising from Haas ceasing to do business.
  27. This week there was Julian Lloyd-Webber in conversation with music critic Andrew Stewart.
  28. Andrew Yurowitz, 52 years old, a first vice president of E.F. Hutton, was one of three people arrested in response to an 18-count indictment handed up by a federal grand jury in Orlando.
  29. The sour atmosphere of a family squabble does not help a sale. Do not hasten to tell your neighbours: so says Andrew Smith, of national agent Strutt & Parker.
  30. Pen Kent, associate director of the Bank of England since 1988, is to replace Andrew Crockett as a director of the Bank from the end of this month.
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