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 车险 [chē xiǎn添加此单词到默认生词本
auto insurance
car insurance

  1. 哪家保险公司的车险理赔快、服务又好?
    Which insurance company car insurance settles a claim quickly , serves well?
  2. 最后对车险营销战略的具体实施即营销战术提出建议。
    Finally, it puts forward the suggestions to the implementation of vehicle insurance, namely the marketing tactics of marketing strategy.
  3. 解决车险信息不对称问题的最好办法是:搭建信息平台,规范信息披露,及时、快速、广泛地个、公开信息;
    the best way to settle information asymmetry problem is : to Build Information Platform, standardized disclosure mechanism of information, timely, rapidly and extensively public information;

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