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 轧机机架 添加此单词到默认生词本
rolling mill stand

  1. 采用有限元方法对四辊轧机机架进行应力和变形分析。
    Stress and distortion of a four-high mill stand are analyzed with finite element method.
  2. 本文是在四辊轧机机架初步设计的基础上,提出了机架的优化设计。
    Optimum design of a rolling house is proposed in this paper on the basis of a preliminary design of a rolling house for four rolls Rolling mills.
  3. 介绍了利用CR AS 系统对轧机机架动态特性进行实测的过程、方法,并给出实测结果及分析。
    Course and method of surveying specific property of rolling mill's frame's behavior with CRAS are introduced in this paper. It also offers the surveying result and analyses.

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