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 轧坯 添加此单词到默认生词本
rolled compact

  1. 无扭穿时,轧坯材料处于三向受压应力状态。
    In non-twist piercing the rolled billet is in compression stressed condition in trip-direction.
  2. 分析得出C22.8高锰高铝钢初轧坯拉裂造成整罐钢绝废产生的原因。
    The main causes that the tensile crack of C22.8 manganese and aluminous steel bloom results in scrapping of whole ladle steel is analyzed.
  3. 棉籽加工新工艺采用平板烘干机加热物料,取消了轧坯机和蒸炒锅等原有设备,不仅节约电力和热能,而且提高了棉粕质量。
    In the new technology of cottonseed processing, the material is heated by chain dryer, and the flaker and cooker in the old process is not used again.

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