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 菜篮子 [cài lán zi添加此单词到默认生词本
basket for carrying vegetables and food items

  1. 芝加哥一个和他们合作的组织是城乡市场菜篮子工程。
    One Chicago organization that they work with is the Farm-city Farm-City Market Basket Program.
  2. 农业部提出建设“菜篮子工程”是为了更好地解决市场农产品供应问题,改善人民生活水平。
    The Ministry of Agriculture proposed a vegetable basket program to improve supplies of agricultural products in the market and improve the standard of living.
  3. 永兴不仅是温州市的“菜篮子”“粮仓”,而且正日益成为市民旅游观光、假日休闲的“后花园”。
    Wenzhou Yongxing is not only the "food basket" "granary", and are increasingly becoming members of the public tourism, leisure holidays, "back garden.

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