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 菟丝子 [tù sī zǐ添加此单词到默认生词本
the seed of Chinese dodder
Semen Cuscutae

  1. 结论:大菟丝子引起中毒是因为含有与寄主马桑相同的毒性成分所致。
    CONCLUSION:The reason that caused the patients toxic is that the seeds of Cuscuta japonica contains the same toxic components as its parasitifer Coriaria sinica.
  2. 结果:初步证实了寄生在马桑上的大菟丝子含有与马桑子相同的毒性成分。
    RESULTS: The preliminary confirmation is that the seeds of Cuscuta japonica which were parasitizing on the Coriaria sinica and the seeds of Coriaria sinica contain the same toxic components.
  3. 菟丝子是苜蓿田中最常见的一年生寄生性恶性杂草,是世界性的杂草检疫对象。
    The dodder is one kind of annual autoecious weed of alfalfa, cosmopolitan weed quarantine object.

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