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 绿色能源计划 添加此单词到默认生词本
[能源] green energy program

  1. 戈登·布朗希望产油国可以对英国绿色能源计划进行投资。
    Gordon Brown hopes oil-producing countries may invest in greener energy schemes in Britain.
  2. 但批评人士认为,迄今为止,中国的绿色能源计划主要集中在太阳能电池板之类的产品出口,而不是在国内使用这种技术。
    But critics say China’s green-energy programs so far are focused more on exporting products like solar panels, rather than domestic use of such technology.
  3. 媒体对气候变化质疑的攻势也动摇了公众对奥巴马绿色能源计划的信心,公关经理和《气候假象》(Climate Cover-Up)一书的作者詹姆斯·霍根(James Hoggan)说。
    The media barrage against climate change has shaken public faith in Obama's green energy agenda, said James Hoggan, a PR executive and author of Climate Cover-Up, a book about anti-environmental spin.

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