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 绝对速度 添加此单词到默认生词本
[物] absolute speed
[物] absolute velocity

  1. 绝对速度装配在一起的项目,在功效方面是应该权衡一下。
    The sheer speed with which the project was put together has, in effect, weighed against it.
  2. 虽然某些方法对测定绝对速度常数是合用的,但不容易实施。
    Methods are available for the measurement of absolute velocity constants but they are by no means easy to apply.
  3. 从中国运输的最好的选择是有绝对速度和可靠品质的并没有要素成本的联邦快车运输。
    When absolute speed and reliability is of the essence, with cost no factor, the best choice on the planet from China is Federal Express.

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