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 绝活 [jué huó添加此单词到默认生词本
unique technique
an exclusive

  1. 莉莉有一个漂亮的花园,因为她有一手的绝活
    Lili has a beautiful garden, because she has a green thumb.
  2. 小胡同里,一名球员追球的时候居然展现了一手“飞檐走壁”的绝活儿。
    In a back alley, a player runs up the side of a wall while chasing down a ball.
  3. 当然,他更多的还是利用空位寻求投篮,这项绝活也是他此役亮眼表现的关键。
    Of course, he more or use the search space shot, this unique game, he is also the key to the performance of Novelty.

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