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 绝无仅有 [jué wú jǐn yǒu添加此单词到默认生词本
one and the only one
Not one like... can be found in ten thousand.
the only one of its kind -- unique

  1. 这就是绝无仅有的成功。
    This is success and there is no other.
  2. 那么尼克松就会创造出一个绝无仅有的奇迹-死后自杀。
    Nixon would have managed the extraordinary feat of committing suicide after his own death.
  3. 英国人凭着历史上绝无仅有的忍耐力和勇猛,统一成一个整体,与之俱在丝毫未减的自由批评和建议。
    The British people are unified with a unity almost unexampled in history for its endurance and its valor, yet that unity co-exists with an unimpaired freedom of criticism and of suggestion.

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