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mountain valley with clumps of trees and bamboo
draw a bamboo bow

  1. 如果您已经读过我的关于临时讲台的第一篇文章,那么我确信您知道我想说的:评估您的商业需求。 去芜存
    If you've read my first turn on the Soapbox, I'm sure you know what I'm going to say: evaluate your business needs.
  2. 大头菜是一种与卷心菜和花椰菜同科,像芜一样的根菜,带有点绿色或紫色或白色的条纹。
    A cousin of cabbage and broccoli, kohlrabi is turnip-like root vegetable that is either light green or purple and white striped.
  3. 他事后甚至还给我发了一封电邮,告诉我他自己是如何烹制的:“首先把芜煮半熟,然后再在橄榄油里与辣椒粉与蒜炸成脆状”。
    He even followed this up with an e-mail telling me exactly how he cooked them: “first par boiled and then fried with paprika and garlic (crispy) in olive oil”.

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