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 算子演算 添加此单词到默认生词本
operational calculus

  1. 本文给出了U -标算子经连续算子演算后有界的充分条件。
    The sufficient conditions are given for the continuous calculus of U-scalar operators to be bounded.
  2. 首先以最大乘积算子作为模糊集的演算算子,证明了最大乘积算子满足分配率。
    Max and product operators were firstly used as computation operators of fuzzy sets whose distributive law was proved.
  3. 在第二章中,作者以谱分解、函数演算等为工具,给出一些重要的算子不等式与范数不等式。
    In this chapter, we give some operator inequalities and norm inequalities by means of spectral decomposition and functional calculus.

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