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 砂轮架 [shā lún jià添加此单词到默认生词本
grinding carriage

  1. 本文就复杂的磨床砂轮架零件的三维参数化CAD系统实现进行研究。
    This paper undertakes research on the realization of three-dimensional parameterized CAD system of complicated grinding-wheel-rack parts.
  2. 以某型高速凸轮轴磨床砂轮架为研究对象,运用模态分析理论对砂轮架的固有频率和振型进行分析。
    For the grinding carriage of a camshaft grinder at high speed, mode analysis theory is used to analyze its natural frequency and mode shape.
  3. 同时,课题开发的思想和方法不仅适合于磨床砂轮架部件的二次开发,也可供其它产品二次开发参考。
    At the same time, the thought and the method of research are not only suited for the grinding-wheel-rack development , but also can be provided as reference for other product development.

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