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 砂锥 [shā zhuī添加此单词到默认生词本
emery cone

  1. 分选旋流器用于金矿、金矿、硫化矿等比重较大的矿物的粗选作业,具有占地面积小,处理能力大,操作弹性大,能耗低,可移动性强等优点。
    The cyclones with short cone are used for crude grading of minerals with heavier specific gravity in gold mines, sand gold mir.es and sulphur ore mines and have such advantages as small ground occupation, high capacity, high operating flexibility, low energy consumption and high movability etc.
  2. 钻进中,每钻1英尺就要加1磅高粘或低粘斯派克(视流变情况而定),这样将保证最佳携能力。
    Whilst drilling 1 lb of Drispac SL/R (depending on rheology) should be added for every 1 ft of hole drilled. This will ensure optimum encapsulation of fine solids.

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