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 砂金石 [shā jīn shí添加此单词到默认生词本
[矿物] aventurine

  1. 砂金石:有助于治疗心脏,肺和肾上腺。用于第四个穴位。
    Aventurine: Helps heal the Heart, lungs, and adrenals. 4th chakra.
  2. 砂金石掌握同情音调和光之语内所有蓝绿音调。
    Aventurine holds the tone of compassion along with all tones that are blue-green within the Language of Light.
  3. 砂金石滑面,我们给你们寄的样品被打掉是因为头上有黑点,不过头的颜色正是我们所期望的。
    On 68, the aventurine slide, the sample we sent you was rejected because of the black spots in the stone. The color of the stone however is what we are looking for.

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