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 滑胎 添加此单词到默认生词本
[中医] habitual abortion

  1. 将该复合材料加入载重轮面胶中,可提高面胶的抗湿性。
    The wet-skid resistance of tread stock was improved when the compound was added to tread stock.
  2. 因此中医治疗滑胎有着西医无法比拟的疗效,故我们有必要对中医学中滑胎疾病进行深入的研究。
    Chinese medicine treatment Habitual Abortion has therefore not comparable to the effect of Western medicine, and we need to Habitual Abortion disease in Medicine to conduct indepth study.
  3. 我们在过了巴内特山客栈十英里的地方爆了,换时有一只轮螺丝了牙,千斤顶不好使,备的质量又很可疑,再加上气温高达38摄氏度,使我们耽搁了很多时间。
    A flat tyre 10 miles beyond Mount Barnett Roadhouse, a cross-threaded wheel nut, a dodgy jack handle, a dubious spare and a temperature of 100F (38C) had made for a taxing last couple of hours.

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