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 滑触线 添加此单词到默认生词本
slide wire
trolley conductor

  1. 安全滑触线是起重电气的一种。
    Safe electrical sliding contact line is a kind of lifting.
  2. 某汽车生产线中电小车的PLC与主控中心PLC的通信介质为滑触线
    In an auto production line, the communication medium between PLC in the trolley and that in the control center is wire touched by slip.
  3. 目前已具备规模生产能力的产品有移动馈电系统(滑触线)、母线槽、电动小车输送系统、KBK。
    Now has the scale of production of products, tobacco machinery, mobile feeder system (trolley line), bus duct, electric trolley transport system, KBK.

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