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 滑膛炮 [huá táng pào添加此单词到默认生词本
[军] smooth bore

  1. 从九四式开始,日本迫炮采用滑膛炮管和坠发弹。
    From Type 94, Japanese mortars had a smooth bore and could be fired by dropping a shell.
  2. 在当时是颇为先进的坦克,100毫米高初速滑膛炮,激光测距仪。
    At that time is quite advanced tanks, 100 mm high muzzle velocity Huatang Pao, laser range finder.
  3. 在这之上被安装一个新的本国-发展的双人炮塔,装备有一门125毫米滑膛炮由一部自动装弹机供弹。
    On this is mounted a new locally-developed two-person turret, armed with a 125 mm smoothbore gun fed by an automatic loader.

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