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 方向方程 添加此单词到默认生词本
direction equation

  1. 用非线性振动方程描述了球摆在 z 方向上的运动。
    The motion of spherical pendulum in z-direction is described by nonlinear oscillation equation.
  2. 在波尔兹曼方程方程的流量是,表现的是,我不会每次都重复一遍,位置,能量,方向,时间。
    And the flux in the Boltzmann Equation is represented as, and I will not repeat it every time, location, energy, direction and time.
  3. 当然也有另一种方法,就是用参数方程表示这两条直线,用两条直线的方向向量作外积,从而得到切平面的法向量。
    Another way to do it, of course, would provide actually parametric equations of these lines, get vectors along them and then take the cross-product to get the normal vector to the plane.

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