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 方向选择性 添加此单词到默认生词本
direction selectivity

  1. 视觉方位、方向选择性曾被认为是高等哺乳动物视皮层细胞的特有功能。
    Since the work of Hubel and Wiesel, it is generally accepted that visual orientation and direction selectivity are achieved by processes in the visual cortex in the higher mammals.
  2. 充分利用双树复小波变换的旋转不变性、良好的方向选择性以及有限的冗余等优点,将其有效地应用于纹理特征提取过程中。
    The excellent characteristics of rotation-invariance, good orientation selection and finite redundancy are fully utilized, and applied in texture feature extraction.
  3. 由于复数小波具备平移不变性和方向选择性等优点,使得它在图像去噪中可以克服离散正交小波变换去噪中存在的毛刺现象。
    The merit of both shift invariance and directional selectivity enables the complex wavelet to overcome the artifacts in the discrete orthonormal wavelet denoising.

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