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 方头 [fāng tóu添加此单词到默认生词本
square toes
caput quadratum
cephalus quadratus

  1. 一般斗牛犬小而健壮的变种,皮毛圆滑,方头
    small stocky version of the bulldog having a sleek coat and square head.
  2. 捺起笔或有方头,或有圆尖,但出脚和收笔处一般都是圆的。
    Qi Bi Na or well-head, or a round tip, but the legs and a pen Department received generally round.
  3. 为了一支雪茄,你芳称其为”方头雪茄”也行,他乐意领着你走遍整个巴黎。
    For a little cigar, a cheroot, if you please, he will escort you all over Paris.

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