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 悬韧带 [xuán rèn dài添加此单词到默认生词本
[昆] suspensorium (pl. suspensoria)

  1. 目的:观察实验性近视中悬韧带超微结构的改变。
    Objective:To observe the lens zonule infrastructure changes in experimental myopia.
  2. 正常情况下晶状体由晶体悬韧带挂于睫状体上,其轴与视轴几乎一致。
    the lens is suspended on the ciliary body to maintain a definite situ by apparatus suspensorius lentis.
  3. 环形睫状肌松弛,它使悬韧带拉紧;这样牵引晶状体,使它变得薄(较小凸出程度)。
    The circular ciliary muscles relax which causes the suspensory ligaments taut (to have higher tension) This pulls the lens and makes it thin (less convex).

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