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be at a loss for words

  1. 启发性,生成性的资源一定是在愤与,知与未知的矛盾平衡中形成的;
    Enlightenment: Producing resources are sure to take shape with the unknown contradiction equilibrium in the anger and know;
  2. 有教无类、不不发、尊重学生个性、教学相长,是他一贯遵循的教育思想。
    Firstly, students from all social classes are equallyadmitted and taught. Secondly, the heuristic method is not used unless students have re…
  3. 缠绵测的情书,凄厉绝望的狐叫,被害男人的死与黄昏敲门的女人有关。
    Lingering unable to express or explain oneself measure billet-doux, shrieking desperate fox call, the death of evening murdered man knocked about women.

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