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 悬浮轴承 [xuán fú zhóu chéng添加此单词到默认生词本
[机] suspension bearing

  1. 文章在此基础上,首次提出超声波振动悬浮轴承的概念。
    According to the research this paper bring forward the conception of ultrasonic vibration bearing firstly.
  2. 有源静电悬浮轴承通过检测电极与转子间构成的球面间隙电容以得到转子位移。
    The rotor motion in an active electrostatic bearing is obtained by detecting the variation of the spherical capacitance between electrodes and the rotor.
  3. 本文提出用永磁材料制作的永磁悬浮轴承作高速旋转轴的主要支承,轴流式超音涡转作回转轴的驱动动力源。
    The paper proposes a new method of using the ultrasonic-speed turbine as a power sourse and using the magnetic suspension bearing as the main back-up bearing for the rotation axis.

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