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 悬浮速度 添加此单词到默认生词本
suspending velocity

  1. 本文对悬浮速度的测定原理,试验台的设计和制作都作了探讨和分析。
    In this paper author discuss that determine philosophy of in suspension speed and design of the test-bed.
  2. 结果显示,采用悬浮分级模型提高了颗粒悬浮速度的分析和计算精度。
    The results show that using suspension grade (SG) model makes the calculation and analysis results of the suspension velocity of particle more accurate.
  3. 分析讨论了不同粒径固体颗粒群的料浆流体力学特性,并在模型反应器中对其悬浮速度进行了实验测量。
    The hydrodynamics of slurry flow was studied and the suspension velocity of particle in the model reactors was measured.

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