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 悬滴法 添加此单词到默认生词本
[物][物化] pendant-drop method

  1. 与DTT类似,TCEP需要直接加入到悬滴中,因此可以考虑微透析
    Like DTT, TCEP HCl needs to be added directly to the crystallization drop, hence, microdialysis is a consideration.
  2. 对不同检测方进行比较,姬姆萨染色检测附红细胞体阳性率高于悬滴法
    Comparing to the determination methods, Giemsa staining had higher positive rate of determination on Eperythrozoon.
  3. 悬滴法界面张力测定仪组装方便,亦可作体积界面张力测定。
    The instrument introduced here is easily to be constructed, and also can be used to measure the interfacial tension by the method of drop volume.

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