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 外围组织 添加此单词到默认生词本
peripheral organization

  1. 反抗组织非正规军(见图)已挺进至艾季达比亚镇(Ajdabiya)外围,该镇位于叛军利比亚东部重镇班加西城南面150公里。
    Rebel irregulars (pictured) have advanced to the outskirts of Ajdabiya, 150km south of their stronghold in Benghazi, the main city in eastern Libya.
  2. 一些标语牌上是革命卫队外围组织耶路撒冷军首领卡萨姆·苏莱马尼的照片,他的手下在伊拉克和叙利亚都很活跃。
    Some of the placards bore the picture of Qassem Suleimani, the head of the Quds Force, the Revolutionary Guards' external wing, which has been active in Iraq and Syria.
  3. 5月24日,猛虎组织宣称在一次海军连队海上猛虎的攻击中,在政府控制下的孤立的Jaffna半岛一个外围岛屿上杀死了32名士兵。
    On May 24th the Tigers claimed to have killed 32 sailors in an attack by their naval wing, the Sea Tigers, on an island off the isolated government-held Jaffna peninsula.

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