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 外国专利 [wài guó zhuān lì添加此单词到默认生词本
foreign patent

  1. 摘要近年来我国企业的生产和贸易常常面临标准化和专利权领域的障碍,即我国生产的产品未通过相应国际标准或进口国的国内标准而被阻抵在一国市场之外,或因为我国企业忽视对外国专利权的保护而频频遭受专利权诉讼。
    Recently the products and trades of Chinese enterprises are often faced with the obstacles from standardization and patent right areas, In other words, Chinese products are rejected in foreign markets as being inferior to international or import standards, or Chinese enterprises are frequently prosecuted for Patent right because of ignoring the patent right protection of foreign countries.
  2. 中国单位或者个人向外国人转让专利申请权或者专利权的,必须经国务院有关主管部门批准。
    Any assignment, by a Chinese entity or individual, of the right to apply for a patent, or of the patent right, to a foreigner must be approved by the competent department concerned of the State Council.
  3. 蕴藏这些新发现的岩礁和雨林,大多位于没有制药工业的国家,所以在过去,这些化合物就任由外国公司取得专利并销售。
    The reefs and rain forests that yielded those discoveries are found primarily in countries with no pharmaceutical industry, so the compounds were patented and sold by foreign companies.

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