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 外国人居留证 添加此单词到默认生词本
Residence Permit for Foreigners

  1. 申请外国人居留证的,还要交验健康证明书,交近期2寸半身正面免冠照片。
    In applying for aliens' residence cards, submit for examination health certificates and recently-taken two inch half-length, bareheaded, full-faced photos.
  2. 对需要在本市长期居留的外籍高级管理人员和高科技人才,可申请办理一至五年有效的外国人居留证以及多次往返工作签证。
    Foreign high-rank managers and hi-tech staff who need to stay in Dalian for a long period can apply for Residence Permit valid for one to five years and work visit for multiple trips.
  3. 外国人居留证为北京市公安局出入境发给在我国居留的外国人的合法居留证明。
    Chinese Permit Resident is the Identity Certificate made by the Beijing Public Security Bureau for the international students who study in China for over one year.

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