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 坨子 [tuó zi添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 从南头吹过来一阵风,坨子上的沙蒿、骆驼草、苦艾都急剧地摇曳起来。
    A wind rose in the southeast, all the plants on the dunes swayed, and the white sand clouds that had gathered finder the sun moved into the Mangos .
  2. 介绍了井下节流工艺原理、工具技术指标及适用范围,给出了具体实施方案设计在双坨子气田开发中的应用。
    This paper introduces the principle, technical index of tools, and applicable scope of downhole throttling process, and provides a concrete plan implemented in Shuangtuozi gas field.
  3. 通过对双坨子气藏五口井(6井次)的压力恢复资料进行解释,对该气藏的地层压力、有效渗透率及污染情况有了进一步认识。
    By interpreting the build-up pressure data in 5 gas wells (6 testing layers) , a deepen knowledge of formation pressure, effective permeability and polluted condition has been achieved.

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