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 坪问题 [píng wèn tí添加此单词到默认生词本
plateau problem

  1. 摘要针对文家磷矿地下开采岩体移动变形问题,给出了用于预测分析地下开采引起地表移动变形的双曲正切函数模型。
    A theoretical model for predicting ground displacement and deformation due to mining of phosphate body in Wenjiaping by using hyperbolic tangent function was given in this paper.
  2. 通过绳索取心钻进金刚石钻头选型试验,介绍了广西资源县向阳铀矿区“打滑”地层中绳索取心钻进存在的问题及采取的技术措施。
    Problems and countermeasures of wireline coring drilling in "walk" formation in a uranium mine in Guangxi are introduced with type selection test for diamond drilling bit.
  3. 文摘:针对现有紫埔洪水预报模型或不能充分挖掘样本信息或不便于实际应用的问题,现用投影寻踪回归方法建立了紫埔洪水预报模型,分别对洪峰和洪水过程进行了预报,并与其他方法进行了对比,取得了满意的效果,可以作为紫埔洪水预报的新方案。
    Abstract: Some of the present models of forecasting ZiPingpu's flood can′t fully discover the information in flood process and others are impractical.So a staistical method,projection pursuit regression is applied in forecasting peak flood and flood process.Comparing with other models,the new one gets high precision and is easy to be operated in practice.

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