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 坯体 [pī tǐ添加此单词到默认生词本
green body

  1. 模框浮动式双向压制结构,保证砖密度均匀,坯体质量高。
    The floating frame and dual-direction pressing structure ensures even brick density and high brick quality.
  2. 由于景德镇瓷泥的柔软性,且需内外修,拉制的坯体均比其他黏土要厚。
    Due to the softness of porcelain biscuit of Jingdezhen, the body for throwing is usually thicker than that of other clay.
  3. 富含碱性氧化物成分的瓷砖坯体或砖低涂料,以及杂质含量高的燃料,都可能侵蚀辊棒,须谨慎使用。
    Use caution, porcelain body or the coating of brick bottom, which has high content of low-melting oxide and fuel which has more impurity, that all can corrode the roller.

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