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 地被物 [dì bèi wù添加此单词到默认生词本
ground cover

  1. 研究人员从森林地被物上采集粪便样品。
    Researchers also picked up feces from the forest floor.
  2. 草本层和地被物不发达、地表裸露是制约捕食性昆虫群落多样性的主要因素。
    Thin grass or ground coverage and bare ground were the major elements that restricted the diversity of the predatory insect community.
  3. 苔藓植作为许多生态系统的主要地被物,在维管植天然更新过程中发挥着不容忽视的作用。
    As the main ground cover of many ecosystems, bryophytes play an important role in the process of vascular plants' natural regeneration.

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