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 地质区 添加此单词到默认生词本
geological province

  1. 紫平铺水库在2004年12月开始蓄水,两年的时间里,水位迅速上升了120米”。 四川省地质区调队总工程师范晓(音)说。
    The Zipingpu reservoir began filling in December 2004, and within 2 years the water level had rapidly
  2. 根据地质环境特征,中国近海可分为17个环境地质区
    According to geological environmental characteristics, offshore China can be divided into 17 environmental geologic areas.
  3. 哈尔滨地,一般属良好或较良好的工程地质区,但是由于各种原因在不同地貌单元上分布着黄土状土,也称类黄土。
    The engineering geologic property in the region of Harbin is commonly well, but for many reasons there is loess-like soil distributing on different physiognomy elements.

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