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 地貌图 添加此单词到默认生词本
[测][地理] geomorphologic map
[测][地理] geomorphological map

  1. 教师通过以上的问题结合图片导入本节课的内容。看图预测阅读内容教师展示湄公河流经不同国家的地形地貌图
    Look at the picture of the passage, and list the countries that the Mekong Rive flows through, ask the students to predict the contents of the passage .
  2. 《亚洲与邻区陆海地貌全图》是国际上首幅以构造活动论为指导的洲际地貌图
    General Geomorphic Map of Land and Sea of Asia and Surroundings is the first international intercontinental Geomorphic Map under the guidance of Tectonic activity theory.
  3. 本文详细介绍了亚洲陆海大地貌图在计算机编制过程中的误差校正问题和所采用的有效进行误差校正的方法与具体实施过程。
    The paper introduces the error correction during computer aided compiling with Terra and sea relief map of Asia. some efficient methods of error correcting and detail applied process.

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