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 喷雾干燥 添加此单词到默认生词本
[化工] spray drying

  1. 喷雾干燥粘壁的类型和原因进行了分析。
    The types and reasons for wall sticking during spray drying were analysed.
  2. 据中粮屯河称,当地的地理和气候条件非常适宜采用低温和喷雾干燥技术来生产用作汤和饮料调味剂的番茄粉。
    The geography and weather are also ideal for employing low-temperature spray-drying technology that is used in developing tomato powder as a seasoning for soups and beverages, according to Tunhe.
  3. 超级食品链的回报是把食品的基本知识,他们一般都生长在一个有机的活动自由的环境化学和喷雾干燥而不是热干燥保存至关重要的酶。
    SuperFoods are a return to the basics of the food chain, generally they are organically grown in a chemical free environment and spray-dried rather than heat-dried to preserve vital enzyme activity.

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