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 喷雾阀 [pēn wù fá添加此单词到默认生词本
[机] spray valve

  1. T型三通的输出端连接喷雾阀 的输入端,环隙式喷雾阀通过夹持机构固定连接在等离子割炬上。
    The output end of the T-shaped three-way is communicated with the input end of the annular-space spray valve which is fixedly connected to the plasma cutting torch by the holding mechanism.
  2. 通过对响声不同油嘴的喷雾照片、针运动、嘴端压力、声压信号和柴油机性能试验结果的分析,阐明了喷油嘴在检验时发出不同响声的机理。
    Based on the analysis of fuel spay photos, needle lift, pressure of nozzle end, spray noise and diesel engine performance, the mechanism of different spray noise is explained in this paper.
  3. 然后你们会看到喷雾阀完全打开,在2300磅之上,现在这些喷雾阀,是在增压,用来消除,主系统中的压力,通过降低在增压中的,压力。
    Then you have the spray valves full open above twenty three hundred, now these spray valves are in the pressuriser to quench the pressure in the primary system by reducing pressure in the pressuriser.

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