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 喷雾涂层 添加此单词到默认生词本
spray painting

  1. 应用包括:尘埃控制、喷雾干燥、加湿、气味控制、产品涂层、产品冷却和气体冷却。
    Applications include: Dust control, spray drying, humidification, odor control, product coating, product cooling, and gas cooling.
  2. 采用料浆喷雾干燥工艺制备团聚型红外辐射粉体材料,经高温焙烧产生尖晶石结构,再用等离子喷涂工艺制备红外辐射涂层
    The title IR radiation powder is prepared by spray dry technology, which is calcined at high temperature to form spinel structure, and then sprayed with plasma forming IR radiation coatings film.
  3. 为了防滑涂层,有必要治疗之前,喷雾过程中,取得良好的润湿性和粘接性能最佳的涂料。
    For slip-coating it is necessary to treat prior to the spray process, to achieve good wettability and optimum adhesion properties of the coating.

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