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 历史背景 添加此单词到默认生词本
historical background

  1. 其次,你需要提供一个简要而适当的历史背景
    Secondly, you need to provide a brief but appropriate historical backdrop.
  2. 换句话说,你有两个群体,具有类似的历史背景,生活在完全不同的政治制度下,而贫困的结果是相同的。
    In other words, you had two groups with similar historical backgrounds living in entirely different political systems, and the poverty outcomes were the same.
  3. 如果知识网络完全连通了,那我此时此刻就可以把恰当的历史引用文附在本书之后,而且能为所有这些沉思默想提取出历史背景
    If the web of knowledge were completely wired then I could tag on the appropriate historical citations at this point, and pull out the historical context for all these musings.

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