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 历月 [lì yuè添加此单词到默认生词本
[天] calendar month

  1. 根据近期传统,在一个历月里的第二个满被称为蓝
    And according to recent tradition, a second full moon in a calendar month has the name Blue Moon.
  2. 本条件自递交最终候选人名单起12个历月期间保持有效。
    This condition will continue to apply during the period of 12 calendar months from the time of the submission of the shortlist.
  3. 本通知书请于雇员终止受雇之历月后10天内提交信讬人。
    This notice must be submitted to the trustee within 10 days after the calendar month during which the cessation of employment occurs.

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