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 历日 [lì rì添加此单词到默认生词本
calendar day

  1. “日”是指日历日,包括每周的七日。
    "Days" means calendar days, including all seven days of the week;
  2. 除非合同双方明示相反规定,本销售合同中所提及的日是指日历日
    Unless expressly agreed by the Parties otherwise, day or days mentioned in this Sales Contract refer to calendar day.
  3. 每天都记两历日月名称,每52年重复一周,其精确度超过同代希腊、罗马所用历法。
    Every day the sun in mind both the calendar name, and repeat a week every 52 years, and its precision over the same on behalf of Greece, the Roman calendar used.

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