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 剪切刚度 [jiǎn qiē gāng dù添加此单词到默认生词本
shearing rigidity

  1. 失败的最高扭矩观测到的中度轴向刚度剪切刚度外固定架。
    The highest torsional moment to failure was obsered for the external fixator with moderate axial stiffness and high shear stiffness.
  2. 根据结构等效原则推导出空腹网架拟交叉梁系法中折算剪切刚度的计算公式。
    A new equivalent shear strength formula for open-web lattice grids by using intersection beam analogy method is developed.
  3. 最后就夹层板的力学特性进行了参数分析,讨论了钢筋支撑的最优布置方式,以及剪切刚度对板的变形的重要影响。
    The parameter analyses of the sandwich panel are conducted, and the optimum layout of the stiffener and influence of transverse shear stiffness on the deformation of the sandwich panel are discussed.

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