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 剪切弹性模量 添加此单词到默认生词本
[力] shearing modulus of elasticity

  1. 推导出了系统有效剪切弹性模量与润滑剂剪切弹性模量之间的关系式;
    The expressions relating effective elastic shear modulus of rollers with lubricant to the lubricant elastic shear modulus were derived.
  2. 给出了高压高剪切率下滚子-润滑膜系统有效剪切弹性模量的计算公式;
    The formula for calculating the elastic shear modulus of rollers with lubricant under conditions of high pressure and high shear rates was presented.
  3. 在透壁压一定的伸长过程中,剪切弹性模量与轴向伸长比、轴向应变呈非线性关系。
    In the process of elongation at a fixed transmural pressure, the shear modulus was non-linear as function of the longitudinal stretch ratio and strain.

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