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 剪切振动 [jiǎn qiē zhèn dòng添加此单词到默认生词本
scissoring vibration

  1. 摘要实验室可以产生两种振动模式的横波,一种是剪切振动,另一种是扭转振动
    Shear waves of two vibration modes can be produced in laboratories: the shear vibration and the torsion vibration.
  2. 利用近期立管模型在阶梯状分布流以及剪切流中的涡激振动响应实验测量数据,验证了该模型的有效性。
    The capability of the proposed model is validated by model tests of risers in stepped and in sheared currents.
  3. 文摘:分析不对称船体结构的双向横弯曲和圣维南扭转耦合振动并考虑了剪切变形影响,给出了传递矩阵及算例.
    Abstract: The dynamic characteristics of unsymmetric ship structure with consideration of bending-bending-twisting coupled vibration and shear deformation are investigated,and the transfer matrices and a computing example are presented.

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